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Terms Of Use

Welcome to the computertastatur.com website. Please read the following terms carefully because your use of this website or other computertastatur.com digital experiences (the “Site”) constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use include an arbitration agreement, as described below. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you should not access or use this Site. computertastatur.com reserves the right to make changes to the Site and these Terms of Use from time to time without prior notice. When we make changes, we’ll post them here. You may wish to review this section from time to time, as by accessing this website you agree to accept any such changes.

This website is operated and controlled by computertastatur.com. Permission is granted to you to view the Site and to download and print individual pages from the Site and, if applicable, to order products from the Site for your personal, non-commercial use, conditioned upon your agreement and acceptance without modification of the notices, terms, and conditions set forth in this agreement. You may not modify, copy (except as set forth in the preceding sentence), distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information, materials, software, products or services. this website. No right or interest in any downloaded materials is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading, copying or printing.

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computertastatur.com prides itself on offering unique, high-quality merchandise. Product availability in stores and on computertastatur.com may vary. Some featured items may be available in limited quantities or while supplies last. Once an item is out of stock, we will attempt to immediately remove the item from display on computertastatur.com. Displaying an item on computertastatur.com does not guarantee that the item is currently in stock or that it will be available on our site when you return. If you are unable to locate a specific item that came to your attention the last time you visited our site, or if you have any questions about the availability of a specific item, please contact our customer service team at support@computertastatur.com. We will make every effort to meet your requirements.

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Terms and conditions for order reminders
September 21, 2023

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